Starting a Capsule Procedur through another Capsule Procedur

Hi all,


We are seraching for a way to start a capsule procedur of a capsule through another capsule procdure. 

So far out starting procedur fails because the procedure in the other capsule cannot be found. 


Is there any way to this?






  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    Hi Jörn Constabel,


    you would need the BOARD procedure launcher to achieve this; a Windows executable located in

    %Program files%\Board\Board Server\Tools

    The launcher is able to start procedures of other capsules, the corresponding call would be located in a Windows batch file on the server and be called via "server-side command".


    Hope this helps,


  • Dietmar Jeschkeit
    Dietmar Jeschkeit Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Up Votes 25 Likes



    the BOARD Procedure launcher allows launching database procedures only, i think. See this Procedure Launcher.


    Jörn Constabel: Why don´t you copy the procedure to the database ? Then you have the possibility to start the procedure from another one.


    best regards


  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    Fifth Anniversary 50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes

    yes, Dietmar Jeschkeit, you're absolutely right, sorry for this Jörn Constabel.

    But, you could start a capsule via the BOARDWinClient.exe, calling a screen inside the capsule, that triggers the procedure on "open screen".




  • Thanks Helmut Heimann and Dietmar Jeschkeit,


    I think we will try to copy the procedure and the related screen to the capsuel with the starting-procedure.

    Database procedure will not work as we would like to use broadcasting functionality.


    BTW: The original problem is that broadcasting is not supported in the web client (in 10.3). Out target is, that we want to inform our users about a sucessfull input or upload of data via email. The starting procedure for this broadcasting has to be done by command line after the user submits data. By sumbmitting via web client board will export a .txt-file into a BOARD server, BOARD server will monitor the folder and executing BOARD from command line to executives a procedure which includes the broadcasting.

    You see, it's a long way... 


