How can we turn off the "show all" option in columns by default ?

Hi all, everything is in the title : How can we turn off the "show all" option in columns by default ?
We are deploying our reporting and encourage users to use the "configure layout" option. However very often when they use an entity by column, they complain because a lot of columns are empty.
Can we turn off the "show all" by default ? What is the point of enabling it by default anyway ?
Thanks for your ideas, if any...
As far as I know, this is not possible unless the developer that creates the data view set it in "no show all" mode.
Infact, using the edit layout option from the slide panel the default setup is inherited by the settings made by the developer.
But pay attention, if you set a block with an entity in the layout and you deactivate the show all by column, the blocks with alghoritms disappear. This is a bug I've just discovered and notified to support, that have confirmed the behaviour.
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For your information, I've just created an idea about this topic.i would add you as co-autor, but I was not allowed to do so.
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Hi Daniele,
Thanks for your input, I noticed some strange behaviors indeed but this combination of entity + algorithm is something to keep in mind.