buble chart on the web

Hello everyone , it that normal that the buble chart isn't working on the web?
thanks for your help!
Hi Fethi Zerara,
what version of BOARD are you using?
It works at least in 10.1.0.
Kind Regards,
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the more precise your question is, the easier it is for your reader to understand and maybe help you. Adding a screenshot, a system error message (isn't working can mean many very different things), or whatever description is a good point.
This being said, the bubble chart does work with the web client (using Chromium in my case) according to my experience and according to BOARD official help : Differences between web client and win client
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well i'm using 10.1.4 and it's working in Board Client in dev environnement but not on the web !
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Could you post anonymised screenshots of:
- the bubble chart in the windows client ?
- the bubble chart (or what you see from it) in the web client ?
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yes for sure!
So the first one is the client, the second is the web.
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Are you logging into the web with the same user account? I assume yes, but worth checking none the less!
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Exactly it's the same user account!
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strange situation indeed !
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I've tried to replicate in 10.1.4 and works fine for me on Chrome.
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Can you check that the screen selection is the same between the win client and the web?
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When i compare the scales of your bubble chart between windows and web client, I see differences for the X axis.
- windows client : values from 0 to 275
- web client: values from 285 to 350
- Did you zoom or move anything while navigating the bubble chart before doing your screenshot in the webclient ?
- Have you set some static values for the X and Y parameters of the bubble chart ?
if yes, leave these 2 fields blank and test again.