Not wanted behaviour of Export Excel Flattened

Hi all,

we are currently struggeling with a function (or bug :-) ) with the export of a flattened excel file.



We got a procedure, which has nothing more in it then two info messages for the user and the function Export Excel Flattened (see attached).

The screen which should be exported has a P&L dataview in it, which has a collapsed hierarchy. Due its collapsed, DownTotals are activated.
After proceeding the export, the DownTotals get lost. This is reasonable for the flattened export, so there aren't any sum rows in it, but this will be executed on the screen aswell, what we don't want.
Only option is to close the screen (without saving for sure!) and reopen it.



We tried option 1, to reload the same screen (GoTo Screen) in the procedure after the export, but DownTotals get lost anyway. Even if you add another screen between (open another screen -> go back to original screen).


Our option 2 (which works so far), we hold a copy of the screen which should be exported and only export the copy (the procedure button is on the original screen: launch -> copy Selection on copy screen -> export copy screen -> go back to original screen). This leads to a "blinking" screen, which doesn't look professional at all.

I would love to have the option of an export without the manipulation of the original dataview, but before I create an Idea for this, I would like to hear if you guys have any other workarounds or solutions for this (which I maybe didn't come up with).

Thanks and kind regards from Berlin,



  • Brendan Broughton
    Brendan Broughton Active Partner
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 100 Up Votes 25 Likes

    Hi Mads Meissner, I'm not certain what you're trying to achieve and what file format you need, but have you tried using the 'extract layout to file' action (under the 'Extract' tab) in a procedure?  Not sure if it's suitable but it will let you set up a layout to extract which will be independent of any screen layout.


    Otherwise if you need an xlsx file do you have the excel add-in would allow you to use the refresh file option under 'office reports' which again would allow for a layout to be set which is independent of the screen dataview.

  • Mads Meissner
    Mads Meissner Active Partner
    Fourth Anniversary 25 Up Votes 2025 March Badge of Impact Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization

    Hi Brendan Broughton,
    thanks for your input! Ideally, I really need the excel file so our users can work with it straight. 
    Extract layout is a very good point, but I only get a text file, it would mean (a bit) more effort in this case, due every user has to convert his file.

    Also, the excel add-in isn't available in this case, but I will check for this possibility, thanks!

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Mads Meissner

    I've replicated this behaviour (I use version 10,1,2) and the same happens as soon the screen is refreshed (after running the export procedure)


    From my point of view, this absolutely is a bug!

    More then an idea, I suggest to open a ticket to board support.


    About workarounds: please note that the extract layout exports a file in the Board server, the other option on the user's machine. 


    Thanks for sharing this.

    kind regards