Summarized Forecast Rollup from different screen totals

I have multiple screens for forecasting based on different types of revenue.  Because these sections belong to different areas of our company, the forecasts are data entry enabled.  We don't just use a growth % assumption and calculate.  I would like to take the totals from each of these screens and roll them up into a "summary" screen.  Is this possible?  I've tried to create a new screen, but the layout doesn't seem to support pulling information from other screens?  Is what I'm asking possible?  Or will I have to create data readers?  I'm stumped



  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi Holly Zuver,


    did you already try to address the cubes that are used for data entry in those different screens in a layout in your "summary screen" or isn't that possible because of different dimensions?

    After the data has been saved it should be directly available. But, be aware that as long as data entry in the other screens is enabled, the values in your "summary screen" will be subject to change.

    Let us know if this helps to achieve your aim.




  • I am pulling the original amounts from cubes, then through data entry in the screen changing the totals.  Will this change the amount in the cube?  I want to used the adjusted amount in the summary screen and not the original cube amount.  Does that make sense?

  • Helmut Heimann
    Helmut Heimann Employee, Community Captain
    50 Answers 500 Comments 250 Likes Fourth Anniversary

    Hi Holly, 

    yes, a data entry performed on the totals will affect all related (and not locked) cells.

    I assume, your summary screen's layout is set to "display only", thus just showing the totals of all data-entry-enabled layouts in your different screens. Or do you want to change those totals on the summary screen in order to provide new goals for the planners?


    Kind Regards,
