Best Practice: Web Client Presentation Mode

Unknown Active Partner

Dear all,

One of our customers is a big fan of the presentation mode in the web client to save and share custom reports.

Practically what happens, is that they create a report from scratch using the layout builder and save them in a presentation.

However what might happen is that they are happy about a custom report, but they just want to have 3 different slides with 3 different selections for the same custom report and save it as different slides in the slide deck (so basically copying a presentation slide within the same presentation). Now the customer has to recreate the whole report always from scratch in case it needs a duplicate.

I didn't find a way to do this at the moment, but I hope that someone in the community knows a user-friendly way to do this.

Please share your thoughts.

All the best,



  • Unknown
    Unknown Active Partner

    This has been partially resolved thanks to the copy-paste of layout released in 10.5.1