Office add in for Office 2016/2019

Stefan Batalia

in Platform
Hello all,
the IT department in our company will update the Microsoft Office to the Version ...2016 or ...2019.
We have the Board Version v10.1.4. The clients are connected with the web client.
Is the office add in from Board compatible with this office versions?
Thanks in advance
Stefan Batalia
Accepted Answer
Dear Stefan Batalia,
Office 2016 and following are supported starting from BOARD 10.
Please take care that BOARD offers different version according you are using Office in 32 and 64 Bit edition.
Mean when you are running office in 64 bit mode you have to install 64 bit edition of the Office AddIn, for 32 bit for sure the same.
Hope it helps
Alexander Kappes
Hello Alexander Kappes,
thanks for the quick reply.
Stefan Batalia0