Error: Can not run request analysis

William Le
William Le Customer
First Comment 5 Likes First Anniversary
edited April 2020 in Platform

Dear all,


I have this error when i display a cube to dataview. But, the reason can't be limitation of rows can be display on layouts, because only one or two rows will be displayed. When i rearrange the structure of the X-Axis, it displays data correctly. The cube has 5 dimensions, the maximum item of first dimentsion is 25000, second dimension is 10000, third dimension is 100 and fourth is 25000, i setted sparsity for all dimension. The maximum rows can be display is 1000.000. Do you have any suggestions or do you know the reason? Thank you very much.






Thanks and best regards


William Le



  • Federico Cazzalini

    Hello William Le,

    from Board Manual, about the Report Rows Upper Limit (middle of the page) :

    When a user requests a report, before executing it, the Board Server estimates the number of rows the report has by multiplying the number of selected occurrences of the entities set by row. If the number of estimated rows exceeds the limit, then the report is not executed.


    You'are using a lot of entities by row: try to "select" only some (populated, maybe? consider using the "select based on" option) occurrences.

    You should get your report.


    Remember that if you want you can also increase the Row Upper Limit from the Board Server Configuration; the maximum number is 2000000000.


    An advice: Board gives to the user many objects to create a "dynamic, lighter and more usable screen" (consider that the screen could be opened also by a tablet/smartphone): increasing the Row Upper Limit is not always the best option.


    Hope this helps.


    best regards,


  • William Le

    Dear Federico Cazzalini


    Thank you very much. 


    Thanks and best regards


    William Le

  • Etienne CAUSSE

    Hi Federico Cazzalini

    I have the same kind of errors in a layout, but my report Upper Rows limit is already set at -1. It seems there is a maximum in the number of axis that can be requsted, independently from the size of the result.

    Do you know if this is defined somewhere ?



  • Federico Cazzalini

    Hi Etienne CAUSSE,

    you're right: even if you're using the value "-1" sometimes Board is not able to execute that specific layout.


    It means that the layout is too heavy to be executed.


    there's no way to overcome this limit: you must re-design the layout.


