Deciphering DataEntry.log
The file DataEntry.log in Dataset\Log collects all dataentry values done by the user. It records original value and new value. Each line holds data related to one change. For some Selections I need to figure out what the ACTUAL values of selections are: e.g. the file records "Selections on db <DBName> - Entity: 15, elements: 124, " - how do i find out which value element 124 is? I can figure out what entity 15 is by going to the entities tab on database but not for element. Or I have not figured it out yet...
this could be possible if you also enable the "Entity Item Visuaization Log" : ;
Cause DataEntry log does not display the selected Elements.
But be careful, enabling both logs might result in a huge logfiles.
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Hi Björn Reuber, is there way to just be able to 'look up' the element in a list to determine what the selection was rather than needing a separate log?
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if you just want to see the active selection within a Screen, you can use #@Selection or #@Selection_EX Feature
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Hi Björn Reuber, I was asking more for a list of elements.
The original post was about finding out what an 'element' is from the dataentry log, as it only gives the element code. You mentioned using a separate visualisation log for this. I was asking if there is anywhere else we can work out what selection the element refers to so we don't have to turn on the visualisation log.
The OP mentions element 124, entity 15. Is there anywhere we can go to find out what element 124 is in this entity (because we can work out what entity it is)? If we can then we wouldn't need the visualisation log as we could look it up.
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if you havent deleted any Entity members the entity is sorted by the internal Identifiert. So you are able to see, which is the Element ID. Maybe there is also a different way, but right now I havent got any "official" alternatives.
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