How to display only one column in a "show-all columns" dataview

Hi all,

I'd have a question about to display only the first column (the first month) in a dataview with the entity month in column and the show-all column selected.

The dataview is composed of several cubes that I want to display every month, I need the “show-all” cause the data entry must be possible at each level by the drill.

But for the first cube I’d want to display only the first month…

Any suggestins…





  • Andrea Florio
    Andrea Florio Active Partner
    Third Anniversary 5 Likes 5 Up Votes First Comment

    hi Massimo Palmi,

    you can do hide this block from layout.

  • hi Andrea Florio

    I don't have to hide the block, I have to display only the first month for this block and all the months for the others blocks... maybe the  attached image is clearer


  • Have you tried using the references tab: detail by Month for the columns you want to show all the months on, and then  a reference to current month on the block you only want to show the current month on?

  • Hi Massimo,


    I just caught your post and wanted to tell you that you can achieve what you need by copying (dataflow) the values to a dedicated cube with a single Entity.  The members of the entity are the columns you outline.  Once complete, you can use algorithms, manual selections and Cube selection (data entry) to determine what columns (Members of the entity) are shown.  You can even suppress NULL value columns, which cannot be done when building with blocks.


    This approach is only suitable in instances like yours, where the values are of the same datatype (date, value, text, etc).  You can mix the values but everything must be put into a text cube and so you lose the ability to calculate or export to excel easily.


    Check out Adam Elvins post from 05 Nov 2017 Conditional Display of Columns who discussed the exact same issue.  My own post is here ADHOC Report Builder and requests that BOARD Intl incorporate the ability to hide columns at will from outside of the object builder.


    Please feel free to ask me any questions on building what you need.



