Cumulated values on selection

I have a chart where I show actuals per week (primary axis) and cumulated values (secondary axis) of milestone progress. The cumulated values are YMT with a cycle of 999.
As you can see in the graph the cumulated values are in week 02-2019 about 1,200. Is it possible to start the cumulation of the values in the selected time range and not before? So that in week 02-2019 the cumulated is the same as actual.
I cannot use YCV because we often analyze over several years and it should not start at 0 each year. In my example I would need a function that starts to cumulate the values at the begin of the selected time range and stop at the end of the selected time range.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Andreas,
Hope you are doing well. Maybe I understood your question incorrectly, but would the simple "Cumulated Value" functionality fit your needs?
Jonathan2 -
Hello Jonathan,
thank you for your help. This is the solution for my question.