How can I change all screens with one selector in my master screen?

Hello all,
how can I change all my screens in the capsule with one selector in my first screen from Jan.18 to Feb.18?
Our standard sales report has 15 screens with different dataviews and charts.
I don't want to change each month each screen to the next month.
I want to change the selector of my first screen and all others should adapt to this. How can I do this?
A classic solution to your question is adding a custom time entity as parent of the month entity (How to define them).
- Let's call this custom entity current month. After creating it, you must define it as parent of the Month entity. The result in graphical mode should look like this :
- you have to define the members of this new entity, it depends on your business case. One example may be :
- rolling :
- 00 : past months
- 01: current month -12
- 02: current month -11
- 03: current month -10
- ...
- ... current month -1
- ... current month
- ... current month+1
- ... current month+2
- ...
- ... current month + 12
- ... future months
- year-end dependent
- ... past months
- ... past months last year
- ... past months current year
- ... current month
- ... future months current year
- ... future month future years
- rolling :
- the next step is to set the relationships between the members of the month and of the current month entities, there are several methods for this,
- using a dedicated datareader if the relationships are available in some source system or Excel file
- doing it automatically via procedure based on the system date of the BOARD Server.
- setting the relationship manually within a dataview, using the data-entry feature having the entity current month as a layout's block and the month entity by row (example with different members as in 2.:
- ...
- this relationship update work (§3) is the monthly task that you need to do each month.
- The condition then is to "update" your screen selections based on the work made in previous § is to set in each relevant screen a static selection on the entity current month and its member current month this year
using this, you don't need to update the screens' selections in the future, only to maintain and update the relationship (§3). Another advantage is, you can manually decide "when" the current month changes, e.g. you need to delay a month closing for a few days and must not follow the calendar at all costs.
6 - Let's call this custom entity current month. After creating it, you must define it as parent of the Month entity. The result in graphical mode should look like this :
Hi Annika,
the easiest way to achieve that is to use the dynamic select on month.
Here you can also define a period offset, if needed.
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It may not be possible in your case, but the first thing I would consider is the option of putting all of your report content into a Folder or Transition object. Because all of the content is now in a single screen the selection will automatically apply to all pages of the Transition/Folder. You also get the added benefit of being able to output the report to a single pdf or pptx if you require a hard copy.
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Hello Phil,
This solution can be applied only for a limited number of objects.
Obviously each layout is a query, and if you perform all the possible queries each time you open a screen your performance will be poor.
In addition to that, yes this solution will make the common selection easy to be achieved, but it will make nearly impossible to apply automatically different selects on different objects.
Anyway the benefits of transition and folder that you listed are correct, just keep in mind the negative effects on performance .
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One Last thing I want to point out.
The upcoming web release will have new reporting functions to export a full presentation to single file, so you can create any combination of objects in screens in different capsules to create your pdf or ppt document
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Good news !
Is this export of a web presentation coming in the next release the "end" of exporting, or will the (pdf, ppt whatever) export of a single screen also come at a later point in time ?
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The export of a single screen will be included as well.
This won't be the end of development of this feature that will keep evolving with the product
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Hello Annika Fava,
as Felix Csanady said, the easiest way is to use the "dynamic selection"; you can use also the option "based on cube" and help the end-users of your application creating a "service cube" to be used in a first screen where choose through a "flag" what they want to be selected.
for example: in screen 1 the user select the "budget year"
then, in others screen you can save the "dynamic selection based on cube"
Hope this helps.