Algorithm not working on a layout
Hi everybody!
I am trying to figure out why a chart that I see normally on the Client does not show up on the web.
When I try to load the layout it shows the message:" Oops! An error occurred".
I tried to remove the two algorithms I have in my layout and without those, the chart is loaded without errors.
The algorithms are:
- (a-b)/a*100
- d/e*100
Our Board version is and the capsule is not migrated.
Carlotta Fabris.
The strange thing is that I have the same algorithms (the same layout) in two labels in that screen and they work fine.
The chart is the only element of the screen that is not working as it should.
Carlotta Fabris.
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Hi Carlotta Fabris,
are both algorithms causing the failure or is it just one?
Did you check the axis of your chart whether all the dimensions are available in your cubes used in the chart?
Do you have the possibility to check the chart in the windows client?
Kind Regards,
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I removed the chart and built it again. Now it is working fine.
Thanks for your help!
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It's often overlooked, when adding algorithms, to make sure also that it is set correctly .... as text, number, or date ... perhaps this was the problem?
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I checked and it was corectly set as numerical. In fact when I deleted the graph copying the layout and then I made it again pasting the layout I copied and it worked fine.
I have no idea why I had to make the chart again to make it work even if the layout remained the same.
Thanks anyway,
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In that case, there's a possibility that the problem was a memory caching issue? - when developing, if expected results are not immediate, consider saving, unloading database, and occasionally even closing and reopening Board. This has been a solution in a few cases for me in the past. May not be the case here, but worth remembering (it's easy to forget this )
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Thank you for the suggestion, I will try it if I have troubles again!
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