Webclient known issues

is there a documentation or tool tips on using the webclient? And does it contain known issues?
For example, layouts that work good and normal in the desktop version but in webclient:
- waterfall charts that do not work properly (empty layout)?
- "Oops"-Layouts just not working? another empty layout!
- zeroes shown instead of correct numbers
Thx and best regards
I have good results using waterfall charts for the web client.
In general, the few differences between windows and web client are listed here.
The main pain while working with graphs are these two options, which are not available in the current version 10.1.4 for the web client.
I hope the next version comes soon.
If you have a doubt regarding a layout, you can check the layout from the web client directly and see whether it is the same blocks and entities by row/column as in the windows client
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We are on 10.0.4 and the web client generally works very well but we have noticed the following deficiencies:
1. The search dataview feature in Windows client not available in web client. (Pointed out in Differences between web client and win client )
2. Web client which uses a pager widget may give a false security error when saving a presentation, preventing use of presentation feature. In Windows client able to use pin feature on same screen. This is kind of a big deal to us and there doesn't seem to be a convenient work-around like switching to a selector widget.
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I found that sometimes the Screen level filter defaults to 'Inactive' and if the user logging in via Web client has the security profile which tries to change the same dimension filter to say 'Active' then it conflicts.
You have to reset the above filter in the Win GUI and save the screen.