Community Voices: 3 Q's with Board's Head of Customer Marketing Sandra Bartl
Featuring: Sandra Bartl, Head of Customer Marketing and Community Captain. Welcome to another installment of Community Voices: 3 Q's—today we're featuring Board's Head of Customer Marketing, Sandra Bartl, and we're discussing three questions about how how to join the Board Advocacy program and what its benefits are for its…
3 Questions with Bart Scott
Featuring: Bart Scott—Senior Partner, CFO Solutions LLC and Community Captain. In today's 3 Q's, we're talking all things B14. Listen to hear what Community Captain—Bart Scott—has to say about timing and ensuring a smooth transition. Quick reference: 1:08 When is a good time to upgrade to B14? 3:22 What is a top feature of…
Community Voices: 3 Q's with Board's Director of Academy Mindy Waltz
Featuring: Mindy Waltz, Board Director of Academy. Welcome to another installment of Community Voices: 3 Q's—today we're featuring Board's Director of Academy, Mindy Waltz, and we're discussing three questions about how the Board Academy is supporting the recent B14 release! Quick reference: 1:29 - What can members expect…
Community Voices: 3 Q's with customer Thomas Ussling
Featuring: Thomas Ussling, Community Captain and Board Lead Developer at Strato AG. Welcome to Community Voices: 3 Q's—featuring a long-time Board enthusiast and dedicated customer, Thomas Ussling. We asked Thomas three questions about Board. Press play to hear what he had to say! Quick reference: 1:25 - What is a key…