CONNECTION or CUBE to .csv stored in FILE SHARE drive
Active Partner
Dear all,
Maybe some of you have met the same issue:i would like to create a connection or a ROLAP cube to a ".csv" file stored in Shared Storage drive (GUI = microsoft azure) provided with full cloud version of Board (currently using 10.6).
I could use the Shared Storage with:
- Data Reader to load data in a cube (using "Z:\" as source drive),
- Procedures to make daily back ups (using %BSS% as target path).
Final target is to use this connection or ROLAP cube to provide drill-through for historical data.
I viewed the Webinar 12 "Using Drill Through", re-read the training materials and seen the e-learning tutorials (CR14) and couldn't find out how to configure this connection/cube to Shared Storage!
I don't even know if it's and OLE-DB or ODBC connection type to be used...
I tried several parameters using the SAS URL (Shared Access Signature) with no success.
Does anyone already set it up? How?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions and advices.
Project Leader
Hello Benoit Rolland,
maybe it's not clear to me, but why do you want to use a Rolap Cube?
If you need to show the value in the CSV file, you could load this information in a Molap Cube and then you use it in a Drill Down (no Drill Through because it is mandatory to have an ODBC connection).
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