E-learning catalog - Part six: Web Experience

Anastasia Politiuk

This catalogue in conceived to allow Board developers, administrators and user to acquire familiarity with the Web Client workspace, and to allow them understanding amazing features such as presentations, chatting and the cognitive space. Starting from Board 10.5 version, learners will also understand how to convert existing capsules, and how to create and manage new capsules. Last, but not least, a complete overview of the new Data Model Web designer is provided. This amazing feature is available only from Board 10.5 version.
- E-Learning tutorial: the Web Experience (WB01)
- E-Learning tutorial: editing the capsule (WB02)
- E-learning tutorial: the Data Model web designer (WB03)
- E-Learning tutorial: The system Administration (WB04)
- E-learning tutorial: Reporting in the web (WB05)
This course is designed for all types of Board users (Administrators, Developers, Business Users, End Users).