Community Update June 17, 2022: Merger of Community Forums Completed

Kayne Schwarz

Good news, everyone! The Board platform-based forums we mentioned earlier this week have successfully been merged under the Board Platform Forum. Be sure to post all of your Board platform-related questions in this space going forward.
Did you know you can tag your forum posts with applicable terms and labels to further organize and highlight your posts?
To do so, you can simply type “#” and then your term/s to turn your text into a tag anywhere in your post. A list of previously created tags will then appear that you may review and select tags from, or you may type something new.

Tagging is a great way to organize and categorize forum posts on the Community, and doing so allows members to even search and filter by tags that have been applied to posts. Try it yourself by clicking a live tag to open a search window with the clicked tag selected.
Until Next Time...
As always, let us know your thoughts on the updates and anything else you’d like to see in the BoardVille Community in the comments space below.