Log4j2 (CVE-2021-44228) security update

Fabio Donatellis
Fabio Donatellis Employee
Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 25 Likes Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board
edited January 2022 in Blog



It was found that the fix to address CVE-2021-44228 in Apache Log4j 2.15.0 was incomplete in certain non-default configurations. (read more https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/security.html)


We have been alerted by Progress Software that the current version of ”HDP JDBC Verification Tool”, uses a vulnerable version of log4j.

The JDBC Verification Tool is shipped with “BOARD On-Premise Connector” and can be used to verify the compatibility of third party JDBC drivers with Progress Data Direct OPC. If you are using the Board On-premises data connector, we recommend that you don't use the JDBC Verification Tool. Note that the use of the Board On-premise Connector doesn't expose to any security risk.


Progress Software is aware of the current vulnerability of the JDBC Verification Tool which. As soon as this security update will be made available from Progress we will deploy the patch in all BOARD Cloud Data Centers, and therefore the new “On Premise Connector” package will be available for download. We will publish a further update as soon as available.



Board is aware of the recently disclosed security issue relating to the open-source Apache “Log4j2" utility (CVE-2021-44228).
We have conducted the necessary analyses to assess the exposure of our systems and services to this vulnerability and can confirm that none of our systems and for the avoidance of doubt none of the Board Cloud services are exposed to this security threat.
During the assessment we have identified that one service, the Board Cloud Connector (Hybrid Data Pipeline), uses Log4J but a version that is not affected by the vulnerability. 

We continue to closely monitor the evolution of the threat and are promptly adopting all security measures to safeguard our customers

Board Cloud Team


  • James
    James Customer
    First Comment


    Is there any further update on this issue? Has the vulnerability been fixed?
