COVID-19 and Board’s Business Continuity

Anastasia Politiuk
edited March 2020 in Blog

Given the current global situation with COVID-19, we want to reassure our stakeholders that we have taken all measures to ensure full operational continuity.

As this new strain of coronavirus continues to spread, Board is focused on maintaining the health and safety of our employees, customers, partners, and other members of the Board community.

Board has a business continuity plan in place, enabling us to effectively guarantee the continuity of business activities in the case of an outbreak such as COVID-19.

The Crisis Committee, which meets remotely by videoconference, has assessed the emergency situation and is constantly monitoring the national directives relating to the COVID-19 infection. This committee gives prompt instructions to the whole company and ensures effective and efficient responses to the rapidly changing general and business conditions.

Board has adopted technological and physical security measures, both preventive and detective, for human and technical assets in order to mitigate any risk of interruption.

In particular, Board:

  • has isolated individuals who play a key role in operational continuity by allowing remote working
  • has invited all employees and company collaborators to work remotely and to use work tools for meetings and conferences
  • has reviewed critical resource availability plans and remote working requirements
  • has implemented an internal communication plan which, since the beginning of the situation, has updated the
  • entire network of employees and collaborators on the public information issued by the Government and the World Health Organization relating to preventative measures and symptoms
  • has limited unnecessary employee travel and stopped all international business travel

All employees and collaborators have also been advised:

  • to remain up-to-date by consulting the official websites of competent authorities, and to adopt all advice given by them
  • to follow the rules of conduct of the Authority
  • to consult a doctor if they suspect they are infected or have come into contact with infected people, and to stay at home if affected by the flu

We also wish to underline that as far as our support services are concerned, the service is already deployed in multiple, globally-distributed regions for maximum operational continuity. All support staff are already equipped with laptops, mobile phones, and VPN connections as part of their normal working practice.

It should also be noted that business continuity procedures relating to our information systems are fully active, guaranteeing they remain fully functional.

At this time, we do not anticipate any impact on our ability to continue to deliver services to our customers.

Board continues to monitor the World Health Organization’s official communication regarding the spread of COVID-19 and will continue to provide timely updates to all stakeholders.