Take a look at the New Board online documentation!

Hello everyone,
in my previous post I wrote that the first draft version of the new Board online documentation would be coming soon.
Well, since I'm a man of my word, I am happy to share the link to the new Board manual with all of you!
But first, a couple of notes:
- It's a draft version and it's far from being complete: some sections are missing and there might be typos and other slight mistakes here and there
- Did I mention it's a draft version? Ah yes, I just did. Keep that in mind please
The new manual also includes:
- The latest version of documentation regarding the Subscription Hub (under the "Administration" section)
- The release notes for Board Spring 2021 and Summer 2021 releases
Kudos to my colleagues @Marco Santambrogio and @Giovanni Corti for the look & feel of the new documentation site: they did an amazing job!
A big thanks to @Antonio Speca, @Fabrizio Straccia @Claudio Imonti and the whole R&D team for their precious ongoing assistance and suggestions.
Ok, here's the link: https://www.boardmanual.com/new-board-manual/
You can share it with partners and customers, if you want (and I'd like to hear their feedback, too). Just be sure to remind them that it's a draft version
I really hope you'll find it useful. As always, your comments and feedback is much appreciated!
I'll be sure to share all major updates in the community so stay tuned!