3 Things to Know about the End of Support for Board 10 on December 31, 2022

We are approaching the end of support milestone in the Board 10 sunset plan. If you are still using version B10.x, here are the three things you need to know and plan:
1. What does End of Support mean?
After December 31, 2022, applications using the B10 version will no longer be supported by Board. Practically, this means that if you are using B10 after December 31, your solution will continue to function. However, non-security related patches and fixes will no longer be supported or developed by Board. In addition, the Board technical support and customer service teams may no longer be able to provide resolutions or help for issues related to applications using the B10 version. All support for on-premise versions of Board 10 and older will be fully discontinued, including no further critical fixes or patches
2. Why should I upgrade?
B10 is now over seven years old, and over this period Board has developed and launched new versions that include a substantial boost in performance due to the redesigned database and data modelling engine, and various functional enhancements across all areas (including modelling, data-views, Office Add-ins, UX/UI, connectors, user management, etc.) for business users, developers, and system administrators.
Applications using the B10 version will continue to work, however, continuing to use the retired version not only prevents you from getting the full set of benefits from the Board platform, but also exposes you to security threats.
3. Time to define your upgrade plan
There are two ways to upgrade your solution: upgrading on your own or getting help from Board or a certified Board partner. We are committed to supporting our customers on their journey to the latest and greatest version and if you define and commit to an upgrade plan between now and the December 31, 2022, Board will extend the duration of the product support until the planned upgrade Go Live, but no longer than June 20, 2023. Please note that product support does not extend the duration for providing patches and fixes. See section “What does End of Support mean?” above for further detail.
Upgrading Board solution on your own
We have built a step-by-step guide to help you in the process, so you can follow the guide on your own. If your internal Board expertise is intermediate or advanced, you will have no problems upgrading to the latest version independently. If you are experiencing difficulties or have a question about the process, please contact the Board Support. Upgrading to the latest version is also a great opportunity to review, enhance and modernize your current solution setup (databases, capsules, screens, etc.).
Getting help from Board or a certified Board partner
Since the launch of B12 in April 2021, we have supported hundreds of customers with upgrading B10.x or older versions to the latest available. Board Professional Services team and a selected group of certified partners have all the expertise and knowledge to manage your upgrade in a smooth and structured manner.
The duration of the upgrade depends on the complexity of your Board solution, so we recommend contacting your Board Account Manager / Customer Success Manager / Consulting Partner to discuss the upgrade options and get advice on the upgrade process and best practices.
You have any follow up questions or would like to discuss your upgrade options, please reach out to upgrade@board.com