Extract user's roles/rights from Database

It would be nice to have a fast accesable option to extract the user's roles and rights in a unified way from tne database. Not merely the Database security profiles or Folder profiles but also the values (from blocking cubes ) set for each user on entities like Product or Customer. Currently our customer extracts the data through flat files and then combines it through views in MS SQL and displays them in Excel or Power BI
Best regards,
Thank you for sharing your idea, Tomislav. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion. Great news, this feature is available from the latest release. Here is the link to the manual:
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The link provided above is to a very detailed page containing all other enhancements in the summer release. The specific area detailing the user export functionality can be found just over half way down the long page in the section titled 'Database Security Profiles'.