Remove the capsule concept

Board is now full web solution.
Therefor, is the current capsule structure still fitting? It had advantages in a desktop environment. But now, it's now lagging behind compare to other solution it terms of versatility.
What we need :
- Every object currently in a capsule should be attached to a namespace that is store into a "back office" directory structure
- Every object should be standalone, meaning
- One report or procedure can be put into production without the other 55 objects in the capsule!
- Reduce the overhead of a fusion inside a capsule while you have two changed request to develop within a common time frame but with two separate go live date.
- Ex : Preparing for new visual chart while a new level of validation in the workflow
- No need to replicate a screen for "security reason" this reason being it exist but in the wrong capsule
- Create a "font end" directory / "business layer" structure to display to end user
- developer make symbolic link from "back office" to "font end" user
- Images are available within the namespace : no duplicate
- Mask are in one place available in every screen within the namespace
- No need to copy them in every capsule
- Easier to mask across whole application
- Security should be adapted but it's manageable because what I described is available already in many tools (BI or EPM) and is more convenient that the current solution now that desktop rest in peace.
Thank you for sharing your idea, Nicolas. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion, and we understand the need of this solution.
We have accepted this Idea to be part of our backlog, as it is not on our development roadmap currently but we will evaluate for future.But, with the ALM coming up in the summer 2023 release, we simplify the porting of a capsule from one database to another (from one environment to another) a lot more. And there will be a helpful log that will simplify the porting process.
We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers, and we must prioritize the features and enhancements that will have the most significant impact on your daily use of our software.1