Save data entry automatically runs procedure

1. What is your idea?
When using the standard save dataentry function on a screen (F9, from sliding panel, from WIN Client, from procedure, in advanced data entry) BOARD should be able to run a predefined procedure
2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?
I often encounter the situation that I need to run a specific procedure when a user saves data. In some cases not running this procedure could lead to corrupted data and I implement counter measures to prevent this from happening (see workarounds).
If it were possible to define per screen a procedure which will be executed the moment a user uses on of the standard saving functions a lot of things would be better:
- more robust implementation because I am 100 % sure the procedure ran along with the data entry
- I can use the BOARD standard interface and do not need to deactivate sliding panels and such
- this leads to a better usability and
- faster implementation
Also: right now in HTML5 I can just deactivate the complete sliding panel - so none of the other functions (advanced data entry, select on rows, drill down) is available. <-- maybe this should you be another idea
3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)?
Deactivating normal saving functions and forcing the user to use button / label. Locking data entry in case I can detect that the necessary procedure was not used. Running some procedures every night to make sure certain calculations are done.
--> But still this is in some cases not 100 % safe because e. g. using F9 is always available in WIN client.
Data entry trigger runs per changed cell - so this is not really what I want in 99 % of my cases.
4. What is your role in your organization?
I am a BOARD consultant responsible for design and implementation at our customers.
Thank you for sharing your idea, Sebastian. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion, and we understand the need of this solution.
We have accepted this Idea to be part of our backlog, as it is not on our development roadmap currently.
We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers, and we must prioritize the features and enhancements that will have the most significant impact on your daily use of our software.0 -
Hi @Monisha Jain and @Sebastian Gurt ,
I saw this post being popped up by latest reply.
If I properly understood the (indeed dated) RFE, can you please advise if what requested is not already fulfilled (and if not, why) by Set Trigger function?
Thanks and regards
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Hi Ivano,
the DE trigger performs the configured procedure for every changed cell. So if I change 10 cells the procedure will run 10 times with a selection on the individual cells. Now imagine changing the grand total of a larger dataview…
I would imagine something like the DE trigger but running in the selection of the screen like a button would.
Hope this helps.
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Hi @Sebastian Gurt , many thanks for the feedback. I now better understand your request and I confirm, beside the actual workarounds you already mentioned there's not yet actually, as far as I know, a way to perform aumatically what you're asking.
So….yes, in the end, it's definitely worth a RFE…thanks for your useful contribution.
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@Sebastian Gurt - have you tried using the Reset to current screen procedure step? Then have an Exit Procedure at the end of your procedure. This will only run the process once.