Database Security Profile - Improved UX and setup

Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner
500 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments
edited January 2022 in Idea Exchange
Hello everyone,

In the screen in the snapshot below, it would be helpful to add the  following functionality :
  • Add option to sort cube list by physical name and/or groups
  • Create a DB new profile by copying an existing one to skip redoing all the cubes if only a few are different
  • Add a column in the cube list to flag the new cube that have been create since the profile last save.
This would gain a lot of time for administrator to setup and maintain security running and up to date.
7 votes

Accepted · Last Updated


  • @Product Management Team I think this idea can be marked as "Released" Except if you plan to :

    • Add a column in the cube list to flag the new cube that have been create since the profile last save.

    If my memory serve me well, thought when the idea was accepted a comment said that the first two bullet point where work in progress already and done but the 3rd won't be.