Rules Editor : Add "Apply" and "validate" button

Nicolas CHIGROS Active Partner, Community Captain
500 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments
edited May 2020 in Idea Exchange
When editing a rule the "save changes" button close the window and bring you back to the list of available rules


We should have the option to save without closing the rule.

Then we get an error through a notification pop-up with ALL the error in the ALL rules, but it can only display 4 lines which can be unrelated to the rule you were editing...


We should be able to validate rules individually use a validate button 

Currently, "save changes" is the only way to validate. Therefor you have to trick the system into thinking a change was made to be able to see if your rule is still OK. Not ideal after a some change in the member (rename, delete...) in the entity for example.

10 votes

Archived · Last Updated


  • Product Management Team
    Product Management Team Employee, Group Leader
    250 Likes 500 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Thank you for sharing your idea, Nicolas. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion, and we understand that it can be disappointing to hear that we won't be pursuing it at this time. 

    We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers, and we must prioritize the features and enhancements that will have the most significant impact on your daily use of our software. 

    While we won't be moving forward with your suggestion, we want you to know that we value your input and appreciate your contribution to our community. We encourage you to continue submitting your ideas and suggestions in the future, as we are always open to hearing new perspectives and feedback.