i had this idea for improving object annotations which are today not so much of use or are not leveraged the way we could i guess
- What is your idea?
Annotations should be empowered and transformed in terms of functionality and use. Annotations should:
- Be more visible when “active” or filled with information/content
- Be improved in terms of UI and access to the annotation itself (tooltip/pop-up..)
- Be accessible through a standard action or mouseover that “pops-up” the annotation/s
- What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?
- Support “in context” help
- Provide additional information to the users regarding the underlying logic of a calculation or the objective of a certain KPI/Analysis
- Ease the user adoption and “end user training”
- What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)?
I currently use in context "help" such as labels with tooltip or labels with text that explains what to do or what a calculation is performing
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