Improve debbuging/running of procedures from Procedure Editor
Brendan Broughton
Active Partner

There is a very frustrating feature of the web interface when debugging procedures.
There are some actions in procedures which error when debugging them (ie. 'running' them from the data model Procedure Editor) - even though they work when called from the capsule/screen.
These actions break the procedure in debug mode and stop the procedure continuing.
So far the two actions I've encountered issues with are 'SAVE DATA ENTRY' and 'REFRESH SCREEN'. These two did not cause problems in the old winclient environment. They produced alerts but they did not stop the procedure from running, or flash big red error message ribbons.
Currently the only way to get around this is to disable them before 'debugging', and then re-enabling them afterwards. This just adds the work involved, and also presents a risk that they will forget to be re-enabled once debugging is complete.
My idea is for the running of a procedure directly from the procedure editor window to automatically ignore any actions such as these..rather than generating an error. This will make debugging faster and less risky that disabled actions will be left behind.
There are some actions in procedures which error when debugging them (ie. 'running' them from the data model Procedure Editor) - even though they work when called from the capsule/screen.
These actions break the procedure in debug mode and stop the procedure continuing.
So far the two actions I've encountered issues with are 'SAVE DATA ENTRY' and 'REFRESH SCREEN'. These two did not cause problems in the old winclient environment. They produced alerts but they did not stop the procedure from running, or flash big red error message ribbons.
Currently the only way to get around this is to disable them before 'debugging', and then re-enabling them afterwards. This just adds the work involved, and also presents a risk that they will forget to be re-enabled once debugging is complete.
My idea is for the running of a procedure directly from the procedure editor window to automatically ignore any actions such as these..rather than generating an error. This will make debugging faster and less risky that disabled actions will be left behind.