Rule Definition and Management Improvements

Unknown Active Partner
edited June 2019 in Idea Exchange

Good morning Community,

I'm writing you to suggest some enhancements to the RULES set up page, as dealing more and more often with big corporate projects, the maintenance and implementation could be a bit slow and difficult and in some cases small changes could jeopardize the behavior of the whole process.

What happens quite often is that the coding order of the GL Accounts does not reflect the real order of the reporting statements.

It could be really useful if, in the rule set up window:

1. the GL accounts codes could be sorted by a cube (which is maintained by the users). This way would be possible to have a clearer picture of the rule's precision
2. would also be even better if the rule itself could be set up based on the value of the "Account Order" cube (let's say an Integer or probably a Text cube). This because, most of the times, it could be quite difficult to have a precise coding range to be included within a SUM for example. But also sometimes the Account coding is not homogeneous. Having it based on the cube's values, would allow for a simple, faster and more precise set up, even for the customer itself.

Have a think about it


Alberto Fiocca

6 votes

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