Event-driven Subscribe and SendTo functions

Etienne CAUSSE
Etienne CAUSSE Customer
Fourth Anniversary First Comment Name Dropper Community Voices
edited May 2021 in Idea Exchange

Hi all,

We are currently analyzing the usefulness of the Subscribe and SendTo functionalities for our users, but the same question comes back every time regarding scheduling.

Indeed our data is published monthly (e.g. Sales at D+2, OPEX at D+8, Allocation results at D+10) but in practice it is not a fixed day in the month. 
And our users would like to receive their report as soon as the data is published.

Idea : have a configurable option in the scheduling part to have a dynamic sending of report based on a given event (e.g. Cube XXX is updated).

Thanks for your feedbacks,


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Open For Voting · Last Updated