Simple but improved user authorisation possibilities

Problem: If you use several databases, then you have to create a “Profile” for every possible combination of databases, at the moment. For example: If you have 2 Databases, then you have to create Profile_1 for all users, which are authorised for database 1, Profile_2 for all users, which are authorised for database 2 and Profile_3 for all users, which are authorised for both databases. Therefore you need a high number of profiles, for example, for 4 databases it might be necessary to create up to 14 profile! We are having 18 databases at the moment and therefore I have to create a new profile for almost every new user (or if an existing user gets an additional authorisation).
Solution: In the user administration screen there is already the possibility to restrict the authorisations for each user and database. This “Select”-screen (see screenshot) needs only a small enhancement to simplify the user administration a great deal:
The possibility to mark (hook) for each database, whether the user has authorisations to read or write the data of this database. If neither “read” nor “write” is hooked, then the user has no authorisation at all for this database.
Instead of spending time for the search and creation of profiles I could then just create a new user (or click on an existing user), click on the “Select”-screen, mark the read and/or the write button for the (additional) database, for which he/she shall get the authorisation. This would be a great simplification for the user administration.