Multi Instance feature for BOARD 10.5.0

One very useful feature of BOARD desktop is the ability to run a multiple instance of the client using the same licence. This allows DEVs to open and compare the same model or work on various models simultaneously. This feature is used extensively and daily by me and my team.
I understand that this feature will not be supported with the release of 10.5.0 as it has not been catered for in the HTML5 build. So, I would like ask that a feature providing similar functionality be considered for inclusion in HTML5 builds. I would also like to know if other developers, analysts and users utilise this feature and what the impact of removal would be to them.
This feature makes it possible to support users on other models whilst remaining in the model being developed. It also allows for comparison analysis, allowing for the models to be placed side by side.
For any user not aware of this feature, it is created by appending /multiinstance to the end of the TARGET string in the properties of the BOARD desktop icon - see attached image.