Optimization of the board administration

Dominik Borchert

Hello community,
here are a few points/functionalities that could improve the administration of board:
here are a few points/functionalities that could improve the administration of board:
- Monitoring / Logging:
Integrate the logging directly into the application (getting away from the txt-logging). Especially when it comes to the execution of procedures it would be very helpful to get more details (last execution, duration, user,etc.) directly from the screen. - Central Task/procedure Scheduling:
Integrate a "central" task / procedure scheduling into the application that also provides a native monitoring functionality.
At the moment we use the windows task scheduling to schedule daily loading jobs, etc. via batch-files that are triggered from the server and then trigger procedures on board side. In our setup this can only be done with an administrator-user to access the server via mstsc. No self-service for business possible here when it comes to schedule procdures (not every procedure can executed directly during the day since it consumes too much CPU/ RAM)... - Authorization:
At the moment we have established many reporting scenarios for different business departments. As long as the users "stay" in their reporting scenario the authorization architecture using one security profile for one user works fine. Anyway, it happens quite often that users need access to multiple reporting scenarios. Then we start to build security profiles (there can only be one) that combine the scenarios - this needs to be done for every possible combination sooner or later.
If it would be possible to assign more than one security profile to the user (maybe assign the license then directly to the user), the situation would be simplified from my perspective. Another idea in this context would be to assign folder profiles and database security profiles directly to the user.