Support Icons in menu for the web client

Hi all,
to my surprise, the icons included in the capsule menu, that could be managed in the Windows client, cannot be managed any more in the web client.
I opened a support question about it and Andrea Mo suggested to post it as an idea... so here it is !
Please include the option to manage menu icons in the web, same as the windows client.
Below a screenshot of my menu.
Circled in green, the items created before migration to 10.5, the icon could be set properly.
Circled in red, the items created after in the web client => impossible to set the icon ?
In a general manner, I thought all windows client features would be migrated to the web, but if that's not the case, how should we manage the situation ? Forget menu icons completely ?
At least, add the possibility of not showing the img, as it can not be modified or deleted! No workarround has been found to manage that (not even deleting the img source worked), so the suggestion is eliminate this feature before migration.
We have migrated from B10 to B12 and after adjusting the screens to fit web visualization, only some of the screens has kept the img… So we have decided to perform “save as” for these screens and relink them within the capsule.
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Hi @Etienne CAUSSE, thank you for sharing this idea! Apologies we missed getting back on this.
We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion, and we understand the need of this solution. We have accepted this Idea to be part of our backlog and we will evaluate the feasibility of adding it to the development roadmap which currently does include and address the topic of navigation and workflows where this idea fits well to be considered.We encourage you to continue submitting your ideas and suggestions in the future, as we are always open to hearing new perspectives and feedback.