Drill down - allow developers to choose opening size of popups

When the drill-down is selected, and the popup window appears (rather than going to a screen), the user is often presented with the need to use the horizontal scroll bar to display the full width of the data displayed, or to click on maximise button ( [] ) in top-right of popup window.
We, as developers, strive to minimise the number of clicks and actions required by the end-users.
It would be appropriate therefore for the default drill down setting for screen size to be available to developers to choose, rather than its currently fixed (minimal?) size.
The choices available should be:
- maximised (as displayed after clicking the [] symbol in top-right of popup window)
- minimised (as available from the top-right options of popup window)
- minimum (as currently defaulted to)
By doing this, the users will see all the data width available, where this is possible, without the need to make unnecessary use of horizontal scrollbar.
Two screendumps are attached - first, showing the default view popping up, and second the same drill down, when maximised. Use of horizontal scrollbar should not be necessary in this example.
Thank you for sharing your idea, Mike. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion.
Great news, this feature is already available - as today the dimensions of the pop-up is calculated based on the drill down data.0