Translation of screen folders (Localization)

Mads Meissner
Mads Meissner Active Partner
Fourth Anniversary 25 Up Votes 2025 March Badge of Impact Level 300: Expanding Board in Your Organization
edited May 2022 in Idea Exchange
Hi all,

we're working with the Localization feature which works great for our purpose as we could translate entities, screen texts, screen names, and entity elements.

However, as I was told by the support it is currently not possible to translate screen folders.
In our case, as we work with screen folders in the menus, this results in an incomplete user experience.
We have several P&L views which are organized in a folder. As soon as you hover over the folder you see the translated screen names, but the folder itself stays the same.

I would strongly wish for adding that functionality as in my view this is a tiny missing spot which has a strong impact on the user experience. When you work with screen folders as it comes up on every screen you use, it unfortunately puts the rest of the localization in the shade.

17 votes

Released · Last Updated

Released in the 2023 Spring release patch.
