More detailed database logging for compliance

Previous Member
edited November 2017 in Idea Exchange

As we grow every year and acquire bigger customers who have governmental or agency obligations, we are getting more questions around the accuracy and detail of the various Board logs. A couple of ideas based on customer feedback are outlined below:


1. The ability to show the detail if the line in the procedure completed successfully or not. Currently, we do not have a way to show if each line in the procedure completed successfully, failed, or skipped. This is one of the more common request for compliance reasons. Customers would like to report with their compliance team that every step in the procedure finished through the end.


2. The ability to see the procedure name for each step. This would help with troubleshooting, and also part of compliance reporting to identify which procedure ran and all the steps associated to it.


Customers would like to feel confident, by verifying in the logs, that all steps in their automated procedures ran from start to end successfully; and be able to comply to government, agencies, and other regulatory bodies.

29 votes

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  • Hi, thank you for sharing your idea! We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion.

    Great news, in the recent 2 releases, we have introduced the new Diagnostic log verbosity level: Other enhancements.