Adding Colors tot the Standard Color Palette

Idea to expand the option of adding Corporate Colors ID.
The standard color palette show the following colors;
But is it not possible to add a color to the standard color palette. When you want to add a new color, de standard color palette disapear. (as shown in the image below). The standard color palette changes to: Corporate Colors. But i don't want the standard colors to disapear, just add a few extra colors.
So in the current version of Board I needed to add all standard colors, by copying the HEX codes, and add them manually as a corporate color. Now I have all standard colors & my corporate colors. The only disadvantage is that the headers are no longer available (Theme Colors & Standard Colors)
For me the problem is solved, but i take some time to add all colors manually. In de ideal situatie there are 3 headers:
- Theme Colors (10 x 6 colors)
- Standard Colors (6 colors)
- Corporate Colors
Someting like this maybe
I think it will be very helpful for other users, if there are any questions, feel free to ask.
Best regards,