Enhance the use of BLOB cubes

First Anniversary 5 Up Votes Photogenic
edited November 2018 in Idea Exchange

We're using the BLOB cubes to get attachments from our contributors and to consult them at central level within our organization. For a given reporting type, a single contributor can attach up to 50 external files. 

Currently, as soon as a contributor attached an external file, the file's name is lost for ever when stored in BOARD. If a contributor attached 50 files, and if he wants to consult them afterwards, he has to open each of them to check the content in order to find it. Same for an analyst who wants to consult one of the 50 files. Keeping the file name into the BLOB cube would be very very useful.

On top of this, some attachments are very confidential. We'd like to be able to consult them directly in the app, without having to download it. It's time lost and risky security wise. Would be great to get a preview feature. 


Looking forward to sharing our experience on this attachment feature.


Best regards all,

11 votes

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