URL in procedures and messages

Etienne CAUSSE
Etienne CAUSSE Customer
Fifth Anniversary 250 Up Votes 100 Comments 100 Likes
edited July 2022 in Idea Exchange

1. What is your idea?

Facilitate the redirection of the user to an external URL, within a procedure.

2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?

I have a business case these days where we would like to direct the users to a specific URL (a feedback form in that case, hosted in Office 365), at the end of a submit procedure in our app.

3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)?

What we tried so far:
- include the URL in a "show message" action: impossible because the link is not active (and it is too long anyway).
- redirect within the procedure : no action for that is available
- include the form in a "webview" in a specific screen: possible but not ideal in terms of ergonomics.

 4. What is your role in your organization?

Finance project team manager.

5. Suggested solution

  1. Add new possible action within a capsule procedure "open a URL in a new tab" similar to what a label/button action would do.
  2. Add formatting options to the "show message" action in the procedures, such as URL formatting, or simply line breaks !



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