Entity - Max Item Number to select

Gregory DAVRIU
Active Partner

When building our capsules and screen we have found that we have to limit the amount of entity members that are selected by the users to ensure that the Data View are properly displayed.
If too many entity members are selected the Data View can go into "Oops" (and in Board 12.1 it can lock the Running Tasks screen in an ongoing error message).
The issue with the "Oops" message is that it takes time to be displayed and force the user into a trial and error to find the limit of the max selection that can be done.
The following idea could help building reports/capsules and avoid this trial and error approach, approach that can have impacts on other users.
In a capsule, in the select section for entities a max item number can be set.
By default it is set to "all", but user with proper settings/role can change it to a fix number that will be applied in the whole capsule.
If a user select more entity members than the limit, an error popup will inform that "too many members are selected".
The current workaround involve procedures to navigate from screen to screen and intermediate calculation to count how many members are selected and if this value is above a set value.
This idea might be opposite to Board philosophy of allowing the selection of many entity members, but our experience with users shows us that without limit we are ending with lots of Data view running forever or in worst cases crashes of our test machine.
When building our capsules and screen we have found that we have to limit the amount of entity members that are selected by the users to ensure that the Data View are properly displayed.
If too many entity members are selected the Data View can go into "Oops" (and in Board 12.1 it can lock the Running Tasks screen in an ongoing error message).
The issue with the "Oops" message is that it takes time to be displayed and force the user into a trial and error to find the limit of the max selection that can be done.
The following idea could help building reports/capsules and avoid this trial and error approach, approach that can have impacts on other users.
In a capsule, in the select section for entities a max item number can be set.
By default it is set to "all", but user with proper settings/role can change it to a fix number that will be applied in the whole capsule.
If a user select more entity members than the limit, an error popup will inform that "too many members are selected".
The current workaround involve procedures to navigate from screen to screen and intermediate calculation to count how many members are selected and if this value is above a set value.
This idea might be opposite to Board philosophy of allowing the selection of many entity members, but our experience with users shows us that without limit we are ending with lots of Data view running forever or in worst cases crashes of our test machine.
Thank you for sharing your idea, Gregory. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion, and we understand that it can be disappointing to hear that we won't be pursuing it at this time. As you mentioned, it is opposite to our product philosophy.
We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers, and we must prioritize the features and enhancements that will have the most significant impact on your daily use of our software.0