Waterfall with "Switch row/column" option : allow to define a starting point / end point.

Etienne CAUSSE
Etienne CAUSSE Customer
Fifth Anniversary 250 Up Votes 100 Comments 100 Likes
edited July 2021 in Idea Exchange
Hi team,
when using the watefall chart, the "Switch row/column" is a very useful option to define each block of the waterfall through specific cubes/formulas.

My typical use is a "margin bridge" with the split of price, mix, volume and exchange rates effects, a classic of business controlling :)
When I build it, I miss the option to define the block "resulting margin" as a total of the waterfall.

Current workaround:
  1. Put all colors to black or gray (instead of red/green) ;
  2. Reverse the sign of the last "total" block to make it look like it's a total (goes down to 0).
  3. Use a dataview on top of the chart to display the values, instead of using the labels.

This function "define as a total" is already implemented in Excel for example. When applied to the starting point and "ending" point of the bridge, and sometimes on intermediate points, it is a very practical way to show the data.

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