Brendan Broughton
Active Partner

Idea: allow developer to add 'trigger' or 'procedure' to the menu object that is run each time a menu item is selected/clicked.
Why?: Currently the menu object is very limiting. You can only apply selection, or not apply selection. That essentially assumes that EVERY screen you wish to go to needs the identical selection applied, or you can always carry through the selection, or you never want to carry through the selection..and it is never that black and white.
To get around this you either have to not use a mask (so you can turn on/off 'apply selection' screen by screen), use several masks, or use screen open triggers to set the specific selection for the screen.
Neither of these are cover all the bases. Sometimes in one menu some screens need selection applied some don't, and this is not possible currently. Screen triggers are also limiting, as after applying a trigger based selection and the user needs to go to a different screen - you may then need to reset the selection (or not) need both capabilities. The only way to do this is yet more open triggers. So you end up needing a screen trigger on every screen, and if you have a screen trigger on every screen then there is very little use of the 'apply selection' on the menu, as everything will have a trigger.
I suggest providing the option to have a MENU Trigger. This would allow a procedure to run each time a menu object is selected. This would give lots more flexibility in the menu object in controlling the selections that go between screens. My idea is it would allow you to have a 'default selection' applied, or reset before going to the selected screen...doing away with the need to have a trigger on every screen to ensure the incorrect selection is not carried through.
*some of this could be avoided if the 'exit trigger' was still available in the web
Why?: Currently the menu object is very limiting. You can only apply selection, or not apply selection. That essentially assumes that EVERY screen you wish to go to needs the identical selection applied, or you can always carry through the selection, or you never want to carry through the selection..and it is never that black and white.
To get around this you either have to not use a mask (so you can turn on/off 'apply selection' screen by screen), use several masks, or use screen open triggers to set the specific selection for the screen.
Neither of these are cover all the bases. Sometimes in one menu some screens need selection applied some don't, and this is not possible currently. Screen triggers are also limiting, as after applying a trigger based selection and the user needs to go to a different screen - you may then need to reset the selection (or not) need both capabilities. The only way to do this is yet more open triggers. So you end up needing a screen trigger on every screen, and if you have a screen trigger on every screen then there is very little use of the 'apply selection' on the menu, as everything will have a trigger.
I suggest providing the option to have a MENU Trigger. This would allow a procedure to run each time a menu object is selected. This would give lots more flexibility in the menu object in controlling the selections that go between screens. My idea is it would allow you to have a 'default selection' applied, or reset before going to the selected screen...doing away with the need to have a trigger on every screen to ensure the incorrect selection is not carried through.
*some of this could be avoided if the 'exit trigger' was still available in the web