Hi community.
My environment is based on sevaral databases, mainly set by function, and there're various procedures to move
data from one db to another. Such processes are managed using cubes/trees export and reload.
But in my opinion it would more comfortable have a kind of "internal connector" that allows a direct connection with another Board database, in order to direcly transfer data from a db to another just through an interface like an sql data read.
Hi Daniele, thanks for sharing your idea. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion.
Great news, the new REST API call feature is available in the latest Spring 2023 release, which allows for a deeper and much faster integration with other third-party applications and even other Board Platforms. You can read more here:We are also going to introduce a REST APIs Catalog concept in 2024 to make it much easier to integrate.
0 -
Hi @Monisha Jain ,
I've been also interested in that idea and the API system is indeed a new possibility to implement it.
However we miss some practical example / documentation and also some insight in terms of performance and pros / cons compared to traditional methods (export/import) that Daniele was mentioning.Also can it be used inside the same server ? Or only between 2 different Board servers ?
Thanks for the input.
Etienne0 -
Thanks for sharing @Etienne CAUSSE!
This is a journey we began. The REST API procedure step is the first step to enable this new way to integrate data between Board solutions that are on the same server and different servers as well.
Given this is longer-term enhancement, Internal benchmarking and API catalog is on our roadmap. This will include the detailed documentation of this feature.This is what you probably saw on our roadmap presentation about the platform and our journey to decompose architectural concepts.