BOARD 11:  Optimised pop-out menus for display device

I would like to suggest that the pop-outs be optimised for low resolution screens such as Laptops and tablets as, currently, options are hidden which risks incorrect screen configurations and critical features being missed.
An example of an ineffective pop-out on a low resolution screen is that of the dynamic selection which can be seen in Image 1 below. On opening the pop-out, the list of available cubes to create the selection base is missing. Only by expanding the window can the drop down list be revealed as shown in Image 2. Image 3 shows how there is no issue with the pop-out on a higher resolution display.
Another example is that of the CAPSULE MIGRATION option which presented itself to me when I attempted to discuss an issue with a BOARD consultant at BOARDville 2019 using my laptop device; the option to convert to BOARD 11 format was not visible.
With the advent of the BOARD 11 WEB only development environment, the immediate risk is that users will not know that migrated screens had been configured with dynamic selections, leading to confusion.
This issue came to my attention when I responded to a query by Borja Melero and posted my response here
Image 1: Dynamic options as seen on a screen of 1366x786 - note the ability to expand the pop-out window and no option to pick a cube to base selection by.
Image 2: Fully expanded pop-out dynamic selection options with drop down to choose cube to base selection by.
Image3: Dynamic options as seen on a screen of 2460x1440
Thank you for sharing your idea, Paul. We appreciate the time and effort you put into crafting your suggestion.
Great news, as of now the issue with the migration should be fixed, selection in Image 2 is better and Image 3 should also be fixed.
In addition, along with the new framework, we are going to remove all the unexpected behaviours and the migration should be delivered by the end of 2023.0