Optimization of pdf-export functionality

Dominik Borchert
Dominik Borchert Customer
25 Up Votes Second Anniversary First Comment Photogenic
edited January 2022 in Idea Exchange

Hello community members,

the reporting processes in our company require quite often the standard export functionality of screens and presentations. The result of a month-end closing process e.g. is a pdf-workbook containing many screens of a specific board presentation. These pdf-workbooks are then sent to our stakeholders via mail.

Unfortunately the created pdf-files are quite big, have a pretty poor quality and the creation process takes a lot of time. One screen creates a pdf-file that is approx. 0,5 MB big. A presentation with 30 screens then creates easily a pdf file with more than 15 MB size.

The resolution is already set to "high" in the snapshoter.config. Other resolutions ("Standard") generate smaller sizes, but provide a pdf-quality that was not accepted by business. Anyway the ("high") pdf-quality is still quite blurry and always leads to discussions with the business in new projects...

Overall we would really appreciate it, if you could think about "optimizing" this pdf-export-functionality in upcoming versions of board. (We are currently running the most recent summer release (V12.1.1)).

Thanks in advance and best regards, Dominik Borchert

29 votes

Archived · Last Updated


  • Yana McConaty
    Yana McConaty Active Partner
    Fifth Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Likes Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board

    @Dominik Borchert Have you found a workable solution for the issue? Thanks

  • Hi Dominik,

    Here is a possible solution:

    On the server where board in installed:

    1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Board\Board WebApi Server\App_Data\config
    2. Open snapshotter.config
    3. On the resolution line, change "standard" to "very high"
      It should look like this :

    Then restart the Board engine and WebApi services. Make sure no one is using Board when you do this.

    This option will create bigger files, but they should be of higher quality.