Hierarchy of entities in the select tab

Valentina Rizzo
Valentina Rizzo Active Partner
Level 100: Foundations of Building in Board Level 200: Building A Planning Solution in Board First Anniversary 5 Up Votes
edited May 2022 in Idea Exchange
Hi all,
I highly suggest to change the views of the select (by screen). Now it is by design so users can’t see the hierarchy of entities like in relationships section. It would be great to open the select in the screen and see the real hierarchy and not seeing entity by design.
10 votes

Planned · Last Updated


  • Krisztina Zappert
    Krisztina Zappert Active Partner
    First Anniversary Community Voices 5 Likes 5 Up Votes


    I see that this has been planned for a year now, would it be possible to get an update on whether a release is in the near future?

    Thank you,
