Missing options in bubblechart
I'm writing about the bubblechart object; currently, it's impossible to increase the size of the bubble radius, and also of the bubble markers.
The size of the bubbles can be determined by a certain quantity in the layout; the point is that the quantity seems to change only the relative size from one bubble to the other, and not the absolute one.
What if I want to increase ALL the radiuses of 200%? I tried to multiply the size driver quantity by 1000, for instance, but nothing changed.
The problem is that sometimes they are almost invisible (see first attached image).
Moreover, as you can see from the second attached image, there's no option to increase the size of the marker.
I think that these two options would make the bubblechart much more useful and versatile!

I'm writing about the bubblechart object; currently, it's impossible to increase the size of the bubble radius, and also of the bubble markers.
The size of the bubbles can be determined by a certain quantity in the layout; the point is that the quantity seems to change only the relative size from one bubble to the other, and not the absolute one.
What if I want to increase ALL the radiuses of 200%? I tried to multiply the size driver quantity by 1000, for instance, but nothing changed.
The problem is that sometimes they are almost invisible (see first attached image).
Moreover, as you can see from the second attached image, there's no option to increase the size of the marker.
I think that these two options would make the bubblechart much more useful and versatile!