Collapse & Drill by columns

Often we experience the need to create huge reports that contain several blocks with entities by column.
This kind of layouts can generate an high number of columns, and this could have an impact on performances and usability as well.
In the following example, having two cubes and two years selected, the detail by month will generate 48 columns.
It could be helpful to have the ability to execute a drill by column, so that the detail is diplayed only when requested by User. The concept should be the same we well know for the rows.
In the example here below, the user selected "Sales Quantity 2016" and drilled by Quarter.
As an alternative solution, shold be also useful to have the collapse option by column.
Hi Andrea, thank you for sharing your idea.
We understand the need of this solution. This idea is part of our development roadmap and we aim to release this feature with the new DataView object in the second half of 2024.
We encourage you to continue submitting your ideas and suggestions in the future, as we are always open to hearing new perspectives and feedback.0